Chaoso valdymo ir sinchronizacijos algoritmų plėtojimas ir taikymas
sudėtingoms neuroninių tinklų sistemoms


ES Projektas  Nr. VP1-3.1-ŠMM-07-K-01-025 Visuotinė dotacija

Trumpas projekto apibūdinimas: trukmė 2011.03 - 2015.03, 3 mokslininkai, 2 doktorantai, priimančioji institucija

Pagrindiniai projekto tikslai:

        1.  Chaoso valdymo ir sinchronizacijos algoritmų kūrimas ir plėtojimas

                    - uždelsto grįžtamojo ryšio valdymo algoritmas (Pyrago metodas)

                    - prognozuojanti sinchronizacija

                    - adaptyvūs valdymo algoritmai

        2.  Sukurtų algoritmų taikymas įvairioms netiesinėms dinaminėms sistemoms,  įskaitant sudėtingas neuroninių tinklų sistemas.

Projekto dalyviai

1. Prof., habil. dr. Kęstutis Pyragas, vyriausiasis m. d. (projekto vadovas)

2. Dr. Tatjana Pyragienė, vyresnioji m. d.

3. Dr. Viktoras Pyragas, m. d.

4. Viktor Novičenko, doktorantas

5. Irmantas Ratas, doktorantas



1. V. Pyragas, K. Pyragas, Adaptive modification of the delayed feedback control algorithm with a continuously varying time delay, Phys. Lett. A 375, 3866–3871 (2011).
2. I. Ratas, K. Pyragas, Effect of high-frequency stimulation on nerve pulse propagation in the Fitz-Hugh-Nagumo model, Nonlinear Dyn. 67, 2899–2908  (2012)
3. I. Ratas, K. Pyragas, Pulse propagation and failure in the discrete FitzHugh-Nagumo model subject to high-frequency stimulation, Phys. Rev. E 86, 046211-1-9  (2012)
4. V. Novičenko, K. Pyragas, Phase reduction of weakly perturbed limit cycle oscillations in time-delay systems, Physica D 241, 1090-1098  (2012)
5. T. Pyragienė, K. Pyragas, Phase lead synchronization of chaotic oscillators, Cyb. Phys. 1, 55-57  (2012)
6. V. Novičenko, K. Pyragas, Phase-reduction-theory-based treatment of extended delayed feedback control algorithm in the presence of a small time delay mismatch, Phys. Rev. E 86, 026204-1-8  (2012)
7. T. Pyragienė, K. Pyragas, Anticipating spike synchronization in nonidentical chaotic neurons, Nonlinear Dyn. 74, 297–306 (2013)
8. V. Pyragas, K. Pyragas, Adaptive search for the optimal feedback gain of time-delayed feedback controlled systems in the presence of noise, Eur. Phys. J. B 86, 306-1-8  (2013)
9. K. Pyragas, V. Novičenko, Time-delayed feedback control design beyond the odd-number limitation, Phys. Rev. E 88, 012903-1-6  (2013)  
10. K. Pyragas, V. Novičenko, P.A. Tass, Mechanism of suppression of sustained neuronal spiking under high-frequency stimulation, Biol Cybern 107, 669-684  (2013)
11. I. Ratas, K. Pyragas, Controlling synchrony in oscillatory networks via an act-and-wait algorithm, Phys. Rev. E 90, 032914-1-12 (2014)
12. V. Pyragas, K. Pyragas, Continuous pole placement method for time-delayed feedback controlled systems, Eur. J. Phys. B 87, 274 (2014)

Pranešimai konferencijose

1. K. Pyragas, T. Pyragienė, Phase lead synchronization in unidirectionally coupled chaotic systems, XXXI Dynamics Days Europe, Oldenburg, Germany, Sept. 12–16, 2011, Abstracts and List of Participants, p. 73
2. V. Pyragas, K. Pyragas, Adaptive delayed feedback control algorithm with a state dependent delay,
,ENOC 2011 : 7th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conf., Rome, Italy, July 24–29, 2011, Booklet of Abstracts, D. Bernardini, G. Rega, F. Romeo, Eds. (Sapienza Univ., 2011), p. 87. ISBN 978-88-906234-0-0
3. V. Novičenko, K. Pyragas, Phase response curve for systems with time delay, ENOC 2011 : 7th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conf., Rome, Italy, July 24–29, 2011, Booklet of Abstracts, D. Bernardini, G. Rega, F. Romeo, Eds. (Sapienza Univ., 2011), p. 87. ISBN 978-88-906234-0-0
4. T. Pyragienė, K. Pyragas, Phase lead synchronization of chaotic oscillators (kviestasis), 5th Intern.Sci. Conf. on Physics and Control : Physcon 2011, León, Spain, Sept. 5–8, 2011, Program, p. 20 [elektroninis išteklius: <>]; ibid, Book of Abstracts (Universidad de León, 2011), p. 17. ISBN 978-84-9773-584-1
5. V. Novičenko, K. Pyragas, Spontaninių neurono osciliacijų slopinimo mechanizmas veikiant aukštadažne stimuliacija = Mechanism of suppression of neuronal sustained spiking under high-frequency stimulation, 39-oji Lietuvos nacionalinė fizikos konf., skirta Rutherfordo atomo modelio 100 metų jubiliejui paminėti, Vilnius, 2011 m. sp. 6–8 d. : Programa ir pranešimų tezės, p. 149. ISBN 9789955634645. [elektroninis išteklius: <>]
6. V. Pyragas, K. Pyragas, Chaotinių sistemų orbitų su nežinomais periodais adaptyvusis valdymas = Adaptive control of orbits in chaotic systems with unknown periods, 39-oji Lietuvos nacionalinė fizikos konf., skirta Rutherfordo atomo modelio 100 metų jubiliejui paminėti, Vilnius, 2011 m. sp. 6–8 d. : Programa ir pranešimų tezės, p. 119. ISBN 9789955634645. [el. išteklius: <>]
7. T. Pyragienė, K. Pyragas,  Chaotinių osciliatorių fazės dinamikos prognozė = Anticipating of phase dynamics of chaotic oscillators, 39-oji Lietuvos nacionalinė fizikos konf., skirta Rutherfordo atomo modelio 100 metų jubiliejui paminėti, Vilnius, 2011 m. sp. 6–8 d. : Programa ir pranešimų tezės, p. 124. ISBN 9789955634645. [elektroninis išteklius: <>]
8. I. Ratas, K. Pyragas, Aukštadažnės stimuliacijos poveikis Fitzhugh-Nagumo modelio neuronui = Effect of high-frequency stimulation on nerve pulse propagation in the Fitzhugh-Nagumo model, 39-oji Lietuvos nacionalinė fizikos konf., skirta Rutherfordo atomo modelio 100 metų jubiliejui paminėti, Vilnius, 2011 m.       sp. 6–8 d. : Programa ir pranešimų tezės, p. 118. ISBN 9789955634645. [elektroninis išteklius: <>]
9. K. Pyragas, A twenty-year review of time-delay feedback control and recent developments, The 2012 Intern. Symp. on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA 2012), Palma, Majorca, Spain, Oct. 22–26, 2012, Abstract Collection (EIECE: Japan, 2012), p. 60
10. V. Pyragas, K. Pyragas, Adaptive delayed feedback control algorithm with an iterated feedback gain in the presence of noise, The 2012 Intern. Symp. on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA 2012), Palma, Majorca, Spain, Oct. 22–26, 2012, Abstract Collection (EIECE: Japan, 2012), p. 64-65
11. V.Novičenko, K. Pyragas, Analytical expression for the period of orbits stabilized by extended delayed feedback control, CHAOS 2012 : 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation Intern. Conf., Athens, Greece, June 12–15, 2012,Book of Abstracts, Ch.H. Skiadas, Ed., p. 111–112
12. I. Ratas, K. Pyragas, Desynchronization of oscillatory networks by intermittent delayed feedback control,
CHAOS 2012 : 5th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation Intern. Conf., Athens, Greece, June 12–15, 2012,Book of Abstracts, Ch.H. Skiadas, Ed., p. 131
13. T. Pyragienė, Phase anticipating in two forced self-sustained oscillators, First Intern. Conf. On Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, Apr. 18–20, 2012, [Abstracts], J. Pombo, Ed. (Civil-Comp Press), Paper 113 [1 p.]. ISSN 1759-3433; ISBN 978-1-905088-51-5
14. I. Ratas, K. Pyragas, Enhancement and suppression of pulse propagation in a discrete FitzHugh-Nagumo model subjected to a high-frequency stimulation, XXXII Dynamics Days Europe, Gothenburg, Swede, Sept. 2–7, 2012, Book of Abstracts, B. Mehlig, O. Ghavami, et atl. Eds. (Univ. of Gothenburg), p. 214. ISBN 978-91-637-1501-3
15. K. Pyragas, Twenty years of delayed feedback control technique: Brief review and recent developments (kviestasis), Int. Conf. on Delayed Complex Systems 2012, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, June 4–8, 2012, DCS12 Abstract, [1 p.]
16. V. Novičenko, K. Pyragas, Analytical properties of autonomous systems controlled by extended time-delay feedback in the presence of a small time delay mismatch, XXXIII Intern. Conf. Dynamics Days Europe, Madrid, Spain, June 3–7, 2013, Book of Abstracts, p. 145 <>
17. I. Ratas, K. Pyragas, Application of act and wait control to oscillatory network desynchronization, XXXIII Intern. Conf. Dynamics Days Europe, Madrid, Spain, June 3–7, 2013, Book of Abstracts, p. 250 <>
18. K. Pyragas, V. Novičenko, Beyond the odd number limitation: Control matrix design for time delayed feedback control algorithm, XXXIII Intern. Conf. Dynamics Days Europe, Madrid, Spain, June 3–7, 2013, Book of Abstracts, p. 251 <>
19. T. Pyragienė, K. Pyragas, The anticipating synchronization of chaotic systems based on an act-wait concept, CHAOS 2014 : 7th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation Intern. Conf., Lisbon, Portugal, June 7–10, 2014, Ch.H. Skiadas, Ed. / Book of Abstracts (ISAST, 2014), p. 85. ISBN 978-618-81257-3-5
20. K. Pyragas, V. Novičenko, Time-delayed feedback control design beyond odd-number limitation, CHAOS 2014 : 7th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation Intern. Conf., Lisbon, Portugal, June 7–10, 2014, Ch.H. Skiadas, Ed. / Book of Abstracts (ISAST, 2014), p. 84. ISBN 978-618-81257-3-5
21. V. Pyragas, K. Pyragas, Continuous pole placement for time delayed feedback controlled systems, CHAOS 2014 : 7th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation Intern. Conf., Lisbon, Portugal, June 7–10, 2014, Ch.H. Skiadas, Ed. / Book of Abstracts (ISAST, 2014), p. 84. ISBN 978-618-81257-3-5
22. T. Pyragienė, K. Pyragas, The anticipating of chaotic dynamics via an act-andwait control, ENOC 2014 : 8th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conf., Vienna, Austria, July 6–11, 2014, Book of Abstracts (Vienna Univ. Technol., 2014), p. 181  
23. I. Ratas, K. Pyragas, Search for optimal signals to suppress synchronization in oscillatory networks, ENOC 2014 : 8th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conf., Vienna, Austria, July 6–11, 2014, Book of Abstracts (Vienna Univ. Technol., 2014), p. 81  
24. V. Novičenko, K. Pyragas, Time-delayed feedback control of periodic orbits with an odd-number of positive unstable Floguet multiplieres, ENOC 2014 : 8th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conf., Vienna, Austria, July 6–11, 2014, Book of Abstracts (Vienna Univ. Technol., 2014), p. 62  
25. K. Pyragas, I. Ratas, Controlling synchrony in oscillatory networks via act-and-wait algorithm , XXXIV Dynamics Days Europe, Bayreuth, Germany, Sept. 8–12, 2014, Book of Abstracts, M. Hilt, W. Zimmerman, Eds. (Universitaet Beyreuth, 2014), p. 157  
26. I. Ratas, K. Pyragas, Control of synchronization bistability in oscillatory networks, XXXIV Dynamics Days Europe, Bayreuth, Germany, Sept. 8–12, 2014, Book of Abstracts, M. Hilt, W. Zimmerman, Eds. (Universitaet Beyreuth, 2014), p. 158